Add markets: stETH


npx saddle -n mainnet script token:deploy '{
  "underlying": "0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84",
  "comptroller": "$Comptroller",
  "interestRateModel": "0xd956188795ca6F4A74092ddca33E0Ea4cA3a1395",
  "initialExchangeRateMantissa": "2.0e26",
  "name": "Compound stETH",
  "symbol": "cStETH",
  "decimals": "8",
  "admin": "$Timelock",
  "implementation": "0xa035b9e130F2B1AedC733eEFb1C67Ba4c503491F",
  "becomeImplementationData": "0x"

Interest rate model: same as cLINK, cMKR, cSUSHI, cAAVE, and cYFI
Implementation: same as cLINK, cMKR, cSUSHI, cAAVE, and cYFI

The interest rate model and implementation were chosen to be the same as standard ERC20 (non-stablecoin) because the utility of stETH is rather limited until the merge occurs and users are able to withdraw their ETH.

The interest rate model and possibly the implementation will have to be revisited around the time of the merge.