Compound Proposal 022: Systematically Reduce Emission Quantity

Yes, I probably should have been more clear about this. Our goals with the reduction are really two fold:

  1. To allocate a portion of the COMP emissions for usage in the protocol later (e.g. bug bounties, audits, payment to developers)
  2. To incentivize long-term holding of COMP

In order for the former to be viable, we need to add in vesting (see: Vesting for the Compound protocol). However, we believe that lower emissions now and then adding vesting is the correct ordering for the following reasons:

  • Builds a larger reserve for bug bounties, contribution/security, incentivized voting participation, and to protocols that build on top of Compound
  • Will lead to a lessened concentration of COMP on centralized exchanges and increased holding times, especially as farming adds perverse incentives for long-term holders