[Temp Check] Add wstETH as a collateral on Base ETH Market, USDC Market on Arbitrum and Ethereum Mainnet

[Gauntlet] wstETH initial asset listing recommendations (1/3/24)

Simple Summary

Gauntlet recommends the following wstETH initial parameter recommendations across Base v3 WETH, Ethereum v3 USDC, and Arbitrum v3 USDC.

Comet Collateral Factor Liquidation Factor Liquidation Penalty Supply Cap
Base v3 WETH 90% 93% 2.5% 100
Ethereum v3 USDC 83% 88% 8% 40k
Arbitrum v3 USDC 78% 83% 10% 2k


wstETH (contract address 0xc1CBa3fCea344f92D9239c08C0568f6F2F0ee452) has recently launched on BASE. We recommend setting a conservative supply cap of 100 to start, with plans of increasing it as liquidity continues to grow on-chain.

wstETH liquidity on Ethereum and Arbitrum is considerably higher. The recommended supply caps are set to values which result in ~10% DEX slippage, with the optionality to increase them if the market shows demand.

Next Steps

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