Add Market: SNX

FDV is undefined because there is 2.5% inflation indefinitely AND because the SNX token contract is upgradable, so supply could change. The protocol DAO, a 4/9 multisig, is empowered by SNX token holders with “the ability to upgrade the system, including the ability to redeploy contracts with modified balances.”
Reserve Factor - 25% based on Getty’s example.

sDao, a 3 person multisig, holds the treasury (14% of SNX). Control of the treasury is on track to being controlled by a larger multisig elected by token holders.

Oracle Issues and Improvements:
Synthetix has a history of problems related to oracles. Most recently they’ve had front-running attacks depending on oracle update frequency and synth volatility. These attacks have increased the debt of SNX stakers.
Synthetics now uses Chainlink for oracles. They hope to mitigate front-running by moving to optimistic ethereum which will enable more frequent oracle updates. There is talk of changing their L1 oracle architecture to reduce attack vectors: Oracle Threshold signatures.