CGP 2.0 Updates and Renewal

Update (30th November, 2023):

All domains of the renewed grants program are now accepting proposals on Questbook.

Dapps and Protocol Ideas - Proposal Submission, RFP and Evaluation Rubric

Dev Tooling, Multi - Chain and Cross chain - Proposal Submission (Dev Tooling), Proposal Submission(Multi - Chain and Cross chain), RFP and Evaluation Rubric

Security Tooling - Proposal Submission, RFP and Evaluation Rubric

Update (11th December, 2023)

The address for Grants SAFE and each domain specific SAFE can be found below. The same are linked with Questbook for disbursing milestone based payouts with their owners as specified in our earlier thread.

  1. Grants SAFE - Safe Address Link
  2. Dapps and Protocol Ideas - Safe Address Link
  3. Multi Chain/Cross Chain Strategy, Dev Tooling - Safe Address Link, Safe Address Link
  4. Security Tooling - Safe Address Link