Compound Developer Community Call – September 8, 9:30am PT

On September 8, at 9:30am PT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol.

Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc.

  1. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call.
  2. Proposal/Project Discussions : The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on.
  • Jacob Phillips - Governance Address Whitelisting
  • Nick Cannon - Dynamic Risk Parameters
  • Patrick Ho - COMP on Optimism
  1. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc.

If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you’d like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute.

Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can’t make it.

Hope to see you on the call tomorrow!


I’d like some feedback on adding a market for MATIC.

Also, can anyone provide a brief vision for the future of Compound with regard to gateway?
I just started reading the gateway docs. From discord chat, it looks like that may be in production very soon. How will gateway impact and interact with the current version of Compound? Will that change the process I should be taking for adding MATIC?

Hi @LawSirrah, would you like to speak about adding MATIC on the following Developer Community Call?

Hopefully, it will be done by then.

I should have replied earlier. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you to everyone who was able to join the Developer Community Call this morning! You can listen to a recording of the call here. A summary of the call will also be posted shortly.


Thanks for the early audio recording link! Greatly appreciated.

Just going to add here that for calls like this it would be even more awesome with video recordings to see the demonstrations :+1:

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