[Gauntlet] Risk Recommendations (2024-08-06)


Gauntlet recommends the following risk recommendations to the v3 markets:

  • Increase WETH Ethereum ezETH Supply Cap from 8,000 to 12,000
  • Increase WETH Arbitrum weETH Supply Cap from 6,000 to 12,000


The integration of exchange rate price LRTs allows Gauntlet to recommend more capital-efficient parameters, as these assets are shielded from market fluctuations. However, this approach does introduce exposure to tail-end risks. By utilizing exchange rate price feeds, Gauntlet is able to recommend supply caps that are not constrained by market impact or on-chain liquidity constraints, although liquidity considerations remain relevant for comprehensive risk assessment.

ezETH Review

ezETH Liquidity on Ethereum

Dex Category Pool address TVL(mil)
balancer_ethereum 0x596192bb6e41802428ac943d2f1476c1af25cc0e 27.06
balancer_ethereum 0x848a5564158d84b8a8fb68ab5d004fae11619a54 6.90
curve 0x8c65cec3847ad99bdc02621bdbc89f2ace56934b 3.36
uniswap_v3 0xbe80225f09645f172b079394312220637c440a63 2.02
curve 0x85de3add465a219ee25e04d22c39ab027cf5c12e 1.29
uniswap_v3 0x1b9d58bea5ed5d935cc2e818dde1d796abff0bc0 0.83

The total TVL for ezETH on the Ethereum network is currently $41.45M. Notably, the largest liquidity pool for ezETH on Balancer, with a TVL of $27M, has a significant concentration of ezETH holdings. This concentration should be flagged to the community as a precautionary measure, given its potential impact on ezETH’s liquidity.

Balanacer Pool Composition

Top ezETH Suppliers on WETH Mainnet

The top three positions can be liquidated safely using DEX liquidity on the Ethereum Mainnet. $7.5M of ezETH can be exchanged for WETH with a slippage of 1.26%.

weETH Review

weETH Liquidity on Arbitrum

Dex Category Pool address TVL(mil)
balancer_arbitrum 0xcdcef9765d369954a4a936064535710f7235110a 3.42
ramses-v2 0x2d4bfb17db454cf582a74902c91fb09a3883a5cc 2.83
camelot-v3 0x293dfd996d5cd72bed712b0eeab96dbe400c0416 1.39
uniswap_v3_arbitrum 0xa169d1ab5c948555954d38700a6cdaa7a4e0c3a0 1.27
pancakeswap-v3-arbitrum 0x64dae6685725dbd0a0e63fe522c9134d0eaa7258 0.55
traderjoe-v2-2-arbitrum 0x2088eb5e23f24458e241430ef155d4ec05bbc9e8 0.16
balancer_arbitrum 0x4b3af34eb1135d59df8b9cdc2ff07d30d05334c4 0.13
uniswap_v3_arbitrum 0x14353445c8329df76e6f15e9ead18fa2d45a8bb6 0.08
ramses-v2 0xc23f681729ad2e970c2e630cbef67edfab0c37e0 0.02
balancer_arbitrum 0x026a586b3fe3b3d07375b4a11a505c8b4ef07eec 0.01

The total TVL for weETH on Arbitrum is $9.88M. Compound holds collateralized positions amounting to 4.1% of the circulating weETH supply on Arbitrum. This represents a relatively minor market share compared to Aave, which holds 64% of the circulating weETH supply.

Top weETH Suppliers on WETH Arbitrum

The top two positions can be safely liquidated through DEX liquidity on Mainnet. Specifically, $3.1M of weETH can be converted to WETH with an estimated slippage of 1.41%.

Next Steps

  • Welcome feedback from the community
  • Push recommendations to an on-chain proposallan