HBTC & HFIL Listing Proposal

Hi Community,

HBTC and HFIL have enabled users to seamlessly access decentralized protocols such as Uniswap, Curve, Nest, CoFix, and ForTube. And its growing use cases prove that the value has been recognized by the market. I am here to submit a proposal for adding HBTC and HFIL to Compound.


Category: Cross-chain assets
Backed by: BTC and FIL, 1:1 ratio
Audit: slow mist
Year of Issuance:2020

H-Tokens(HBTC, HFIL, HDOT…) are assets issued on Ethereum and backed by cryptocurrencies from other blockchains to bring more digital assets to the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem.

HBTC has enabled users to seamlessly access decentralized protocols such as Uniswap, Curve, Nest, CoFix, and ForTube. And its growing use cases prove that the value has been recognized by the market.

The amount of H-Tokens issued and assets reserved and relevant records are open and transparent. To ensure the 1:1 backing is maintained, the amount of H-Tokens issued and assets reserved and relevant records are open and transparent. All activities can be checked here: https://www.htokens.finance/en-us/assets

H-Tokens official website: https://www.htokens.finance/en-us/

HBTC & HFIL Liquidity Venues

Centralized Exchanges: Huobi Global will take the lead in supporting H-series. Users can choose HBTC (or HFIL) when withdrawing their BTC (or FIL). Read this article for A Step by Step Guide: HBTC Withdrawal Guide
Decentralized Exchanges: Curve, Uniswap
Protocols Connected: By now, HBTC and HFIL have been connected to key DeFi protocols like Curve, NEST, CoFiX, Uniswap, ForTube, and YFII. And many other high-quality smart contracts, including AAVE, dYdX and MakerDao, are in negotiation.

DeFi Cases

Marketcap Ranking

HBTC: ≈ $117M marketcap
HFIL: ≈ $20k marketcap


  • 100% Reserve: Make sure that the amount of mortgage assets is always greater than the number of H-Tokens
    Multi-Acceptor System
  • HBTC and HFIL support multi-acceptor acceptance, so users can choose acceptor to transfer in (out) assets more conveniently
  • More users from Asia Pacific for compound. As H-Tokens gets more users in Asia market, this will bring new users for compound if it is supported

Risks & Weekness

  • The market cap and liquidity of HBTC and HFIl are relatively low
  • HBTC is not well-know as WBTC in western countries

Let’s discuss and see if there are questions or concerns about HBTC and HFIL on-borading.