This proposal adjusts parameters for the Compound ETH market. Specifically, this proposal would implement a borrow cap and update the interest rate model to a new jump rate model featuring a much higher maximum borrow rate to ensure continuous withdrawal liquidity for Compound ETH collateral.
The upcoming Ethereum merge upgrade is expected to be accompanied by at least one ETH fork that maintains POW consensus. The expectation of forks could have a significant impact on the defi space. See the following post on the Maker forum for an overview of potential impacts on the defi space.
Specially for Compound, the merge and prospect for fork(s) has the potential to significantly increase liquidity risk for cETH. The vast majority of non-ETH assets are likely to become worthless on fork chains, but forked ETH may retain some non-negligible share of value. In the first blocks after a fork, miners or other MEV operators will be able to extract all of the fork ETH value from certain defi liquidity pools (including Compound’s cETH as well as other lending or decentralized exchange pools) by supplying worthless stablecoins or other tokens. This incentivizes defi users to (1) withdraw ETH from pooled defi liquidity protocols, and (2) borrow any available ETH from lending pools before the fork, allowing them to retain the potential value of forked ETH tokens.
If the cETH market borrowing utilization grows excessively high, this can increase insolvency risk within the protocol by interfering with atomic liquidation transactions; liquidators would not be able to immediately withdraw ETH to repurchase assets they sold during liquidation. Compound’s utilization based interest rate models are designed to protect against this liquidity risk, but the dynamics of ETH fork airdrops (where significant value is distributed to ETH holders in a single block) could put the existing rate model under significant stress.
The proposed changes to interest rate model and borrow cap will penalize excessive utilization and borrowing in the cETH market. This should help reduce risk and maintain orderly liquidation mechanisms in the lead up to the merge.
Update the cETH interest rate model to a new jump rate model with the following parameters:
Rate at 0% utilization: 2%Optimal utilization (kink point): 50%Rate at optimal utilization: 50%Rate at 100% utilization: 1000%
(updated parameters based on feedback)
- Rate at 0% utilization: 2%
- Optimal utilization (kink point): 80%
- Rate at optimal utilization: 20%
- Rate at 100% utilization: 1000%
An interest rate model contract will be deployed and submitted for community review before starting the on chain proposal.
Set a borrow cap for the cETH market of 100,000 ETH.
Justification of Parameter Changes
Why does the proposed new interest rate model include such high borrowing rates?
The proposed rate changes are benchmarked based on hypothetical delta neutral “fork farming” behaviors of borrowers and suppliers in the Compound cETH market. It is expected that any ETH remaining within the Compound money markets at the time of the merge and accompanying fork(s) will be unrecoverable to cToken owners due to MEV activity and widespread pool insolvency on the fork chain(s). Withdrawing or borrowing ETH before the merge provides an immediate gain based on the expected value of fork-ETH. Rational users are incentivized to borrow or withdraw ETH if the expected gain from receiving fork airdrop(s) exceeds borrowing costs or returns from supplying ETH to the market.
While the current maximum borrow rate of ~14.5% is fairly high over long time periods, over shorter periods (days to weeks) it may not be sufficient to incentivize cETH market liquidity in light of potential fork windfalls. 14.5% annual rate corresponds to a weekly borrowing cost of only 0.26% (or daily cost of just 0.037%). With pre-market trading of POW-ETH (Poloniex spot and BitMex futures), stETH discount, and futures basis indicating an expected fork value of roughly 2-4%, this level of borrowing cost is clearly insufficient to prevent the cETH market from reaching dangerous levels of utilization for prolonged periods.
The proposed maximum borrow rate of 1000% corresponds to a weekly cost 4.7% (daily cost of 0.66%), and corresponding supply rates at 100% utilization would be 800% per year (4.3% per week, 0.6% per day). These levels should be high enough to discourage full utilization of the cETH market (borrowings or withdrawals) until just before the fork block. Minimizing the expected amount of time when the cETH market is fully utilized will reduce risk of insolvent accounts or other market disruption.
Why is a relatively low borrow cap proposed?
As long as the total amount of ETH supplied remains above the proposed borrow cap, the cETH market will not become fully utilized and will avoid the greatest potential risks from disorderly liquidations. It is relatively simpler for users to open new cETH borrow positions vs existing cETH suppliers to withdraw collateral; new borrowings require as little as one single user with sufficient collateral assets, while reducing supplied assets involves action across many individual users, who may also have greater lock-in incentives due to outstanding collateralized loans. In summary, setting a borrow cap is likely to provide additional protection against cETH becoming excessively utilized due to naturally higher inertia of ETH suppliers vs borrowers.
What impact will this have on current users?
Based on the current market utilization rate of 3.3%, borrowing rate would increase from 2.7% to 5.2%, while supply rate would rise from 0.07% to 0.13%.
Given current total cETH supply of just over 500,000 ETH, the proposed 100,000 token borrow cap would limit utilization to roughly 20% of market liquidity (before accounting for any possible ETH withdrawals from Compound). This would correspond to a borrow rate of 21.2%, and supply rate of 3.4%.
COMP Payment
If this proposal is adopted, a one time payment of 100 COMP will be transferred from the Compound governance timelock to the MakerDAO pause proxy. This is intended to compensate for Block Analitica’s research and development costs in connection with this proposal; BA provides risk management consulting services to MakerDAO as the Maker risk core unit.
Transfer 100 COMP to 0xBE8E3e3618f7474F8cB1d074A26afFef007E98FB.
Planned Future Changes
After the merge is completed, a further proposal will be submitted to adjust cETH market parameters. This is expected to include an adjustment to interest rate model reducing rates across the utilization curve, as well as an increase in the cETH borrow cap (or full removal of borrow cap depending on community preferences). This will help normalize market activity once the immediate fork induced risks have passed.
License and Disclaimer
Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.
This proposal is provided for informational purposes only. This is not intended and should not be construed as financial, legal, regulatory, or tax advice. Proposal is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind. As a condition of accepting this proposal, protocol users, token holders, and other stakeholders disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, noninfringement, and fitness for a particular purpose. Stakeholders accept and implement the proposal solely at their own risk.