Risk Parameter Updates 2022-10-26

Since our last post, the SUSHI supplier with address 0x7e6f6621388047c8a481d963210b514dbd5ea1b9 has decreased their USDT borrows from $4.5M to $2.5M, and their borrow usage has decreased from 70% to 38%. As a result, the position poses less of a risk to VaR. Additionally, Gauntlet’s proposal of decreasing SUSHI CF from 73% to 70% does not currently result in any risk-off liquidations to SUSHI suppliers.

User supply time series since last post on 2022-10-26

User borrows time series since last post on 2022-10-26

User borrow usage time series

User supply breakdown 11/1

Relevant collateral factors 11/1

User borrowing power breakdown 11/1

User borrows breakdown 11/1

User borrow usage 11/1

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