Add Matic Market on the Matic Network


Stader Labs, the non-custodial LST platform behind MaticX, the biggest LST on Matic proposes the addition of Matic market to Compound V3 on the Matic Network


LSTs are the perfect use case for money markets in general which is quite evident from all the success the space has seen; even giving rise to several new protocols in the process. Leveraged staking loops is one of the top strategies used and MaticX itself has already seen phenomenal growth through this route on the Compound USDC market with full supply caps

However, the price volatility between LSTs and stables has been a cause for concern when it comes to building aggressive LTV strategies. The perfect way to address it is through the creation of a Matic market which will create the ideal risk free correlated asset pair (MaticX-Matic) for such strategies bringing more TVL & Revenue into Compound & Stader

Point of Contact: @Knight_Mayr on TG & the Compound Forum

Proposed Collateral

We propose adding the following assets as collaterals for the market

  • Matic
  • MaticX
  • stMatic

We have included the biggest Matic LSTs for now and invite the community to give inputs for any other collateral assets.

Relevant Statistics and Links

Next Steps

We invite the community to consider this application for listing the Matic market and welcome suggestions in this direction.

Additionally, we look forward to the community to suggest the requisite parameters

  • Collateral Factor
  • Reserve Factor
  • Borrowing Limit

We have added the ones we feel are relevant but feel free to suggest anything and everything that might be needed

Your support and consideration of our proposal is greatly appreciated! We look forward to hearing from you soon and happy to provide additional resources and support to the community if needed


[Gauntlet] - Initial Parameter Recommendations for Matic Comet on Polygon

Simple Summary

If the community wishes to list this Matic Comet, Gauntlet recommends the following parameters to maximize capital efficiency:

Asset Supply Cap Collateral Factor Liquidation Factor Liquidation Penalty
MaticX 6.6M Units ($5.2M) 78% 82% 10%
stMatic 1.4M Units ($1.1M) 78% 82% 10%


Largest Liquidity Sources

Asset Dex Category Pool Assets TVL (mil) 24H Volume (mil) MaticX (or) stMATIC TVL (mil) URL
MaticX Balancer WMATIC/MaticX 11.2 4 5 link
MaticX Balancer WMATIC/MaticX 0.56 0.32 0.23 link
MaticX Quickswap WMATIC/MaticX 0.42 0.05 0.14 link
MaticX Total - 12.18 4.37 5.37 -
stMatic Balancer WMATIC/stMATIC 2.65 1.33 1.24 link
stMatic Balancer WMATIC/stMATIC 0.56 0.02 0.28 link
stMatic Quickswap WMATIC/stMATIC 0.38 0.008 0.1 link
stMatic Total - 3.59 1.35 1.62 -

Apart from the above there’s liquidity among USDC pools as well as deep liquidity in both Stader’s and Lido’s staking pools with close to 150M Matic and 124M Matic staked in each respectively. Unstaking periods for Stader labs stand at 2-3 days and 3-4 days for Lido.

Stader Labs TVL

Lido TVL

Supply Caps


Considering the available liquidity sources, a projected 1% price slippage would necessitate approximately 6.6 million MaticX tokens. Gauntlet advises implementing a supply cap equating to this slippage i.e. 6.6 million tokens.

Using the current MaticX on USDC Comet as benchmark for user positions, the largest position makes up for the majority of MaticX supplied and is well suited to be absorbed completely on the market.


stMATIC has a lower liquidity profile than MaticX with 1.4M stMATIC causing a 1% Slippage, therefore, similar to MaticX we recommend a supply cap that would be half of the tokens required to create a 1% slippage, which is 1M stMatic.

If we use the current stMATIC on USDC Comet as benchmark for user positions, the largest position makes up for the majority of stMATIC supplied, however, this position is significant relative to the liquidity on DEXs. Therefore, the above recommendation of 1M stMatic is more suitable to de-risk considering the largest users on the protocol.

Should the community implement a calculated price oracle, setting the supply caps to more aggressive parameters is viable due to lower risk from market depeg event. This fosters higher utilization due to higher capital effeciency. It’s also crucial to consider the recursive strategies employed by users, which can lead to a partial transfer of DEX liquidity to lending pools (e.g., LST → BASE Borrow → Swap/Stake → LST). Therefore, maintaining the above buffers are advisable to ensure ample liquidity on DEXs.

Liquidation Factor (LF) & Liquidation Penalty (LP)

The exchange rates divergences from the market rate and must be upper-bounded by 1-LF, furthermore, it is essential to have an additional buffer to account for potential long-tail divergences. Below presented are the daily market rates and exchange rates for both stMATIC and MATICX. The daily market rates for MATICX are calculated using the ratio of MaticX/USD and WMATIC/USD price feeds, the same goes for stMATIC market rates. The exchange rate is derived from the calculated price oracle.

stMATIC Market Rate vs Exchange Rate

The maximum deviation between daily exchange rate and daily market rate for stMATIC/WMATIC is -4.8%

MATICX Market Rate vs Exchange Rate

The maximum deviation between daily exchange rate and daily market rate for MATICX/WMATIC is -6.06%

Gauntlet recommends an additional buffer to arrive at the preferred Liquidation Factor calculated as:

LF = 1 - 3 * max(ΔStMaticMarketExchangeRate, ΔMaticxMarketExchangeRate)

The above formula results in an LF of ~82% for both MaticX and stMatic. However, the Liquidation Penalties (LP) will be determined based on the available liquidity. Gauntlet advises setting an LP of 10% for both MaticX and stMatic, sufficient to absorb the maximum supply cap efficiently. These LP values are strategically chosen to provide a sufficient long-term buffer against potential deterioration in slippages.

Use of Exchange Rate Oracles

If exchange rate oracles are implemented, Gauntlet can recommend more capital efficient parameters as the asset remains insulated from market movements, although exposes it to tail-end risks. The exchange rate based risk parameters could facilitate higher caps and Liquidation Factors along with more conservative Liquidation Penalties.

IR Curves

Asset Current Annual APR
stMatic 4.2%
MaticX 5.2%

Gauntlet recommends the following IR parameters for this ETH Comet:

Parameter Recommended Value
Annual Supply Interest Rate Base 0
Annual Supply Interest Rate Slope Low 0.025
Supply Kink 0.9
Annual Supply Interest Rate Slope High 3
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Base 0.005
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Slope Low 0.035
Borrow Kink 0.9
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Slope High 3.5

The APRs at the kink level will provide ample room for a significant delta between the net APR (inclusive of staking rate) and the borrow rate, enabling the implementation of recursive strategies.

The chart above demonstrates that the generation of Matic Comet reserves will be positive when utilization exceeds 57%.

Considering the market equilibrium assumption of reaching 90% utilization, the following chart forecasts annualized reserves corresponding to various borrowing amounts. At $5.7M borrows, the Comets would generate annual reserves of ~$68k.

Incentive Parameters

Our COMP rewards recommendations are designed to offer appealing distribution APRs when the comets are first launched and when supply caps are highly utilized.

Gauntlet is recommending supply rewards to incentivize a more significant inflow of supply tokens into the protocol. This is important in the early stages of protocol growth since Matic supply is required before borrowers can join. Daily COMP rewards are subject to change as TVL rises and the markets evolve.

Daily COMP Supply Rewards Daily COMP Borrow Rewards
3 0

Here’s an update on the current COMP rewards structure in Ethereum v3 WETH (LRT):

  • Daily COMP Supply Rewards: 3 COMP
  • Daily COMP Borrow Rewards: 0 COMP

Assuming full usage of supply caps and current liquidation factors, the total borrowing power would be $6.3M.

Here’s a breakdown based on our assumptions:

  • Borrow Usage (82%): This leads to a borrowing volume of $5.16M.
  • Utilization (90%): Corresponding to a supply volume of $5.67M.

With the above utilization and the present Interest Rate curve:

  • Supply APR: 2.25%
  • Borrow APR: 3.62%

Given the current COMP price of $89:

  • Supply Distribution APR: 1.13%
  • Borrow Distribution APR: 0%

This results in the following Net APRs:

  • Net Supply APR: 3.38%
  • Net Borrow APR: 3.62%

The chart above illustrates the Distribution Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) across various supply levels, assuming a 90% utilization rate. It’s noteworthy that Supply APR will exceed 2% until the market’s supply reaches $2.5M. These incentive distributions are strategically designed to accelerate the new Matic Comet. The current projected net APRs are within reasonable ranges.

Next Steps

We welcome community feedback.

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Thanks a lot for the comprehensive feedback @Gauntlet. We do plan to use exchange rate oracles. Can you please suggest the more capital efficient parameters you’ve stated and we can proceed with those

@jbass-oz Please take a look at the assets and give the go-ahead for the market from a technical stand point. Let us know incase anything’s needed

Hi @knight_mayr.

FYI. Have a look at this thread - Add market USDT on Polygon

Matic, MaticX and stMatic should soon become collaterals for the Polygon USDT market. Currently USDT market is under audit.

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Simple Summary

Gauntlet would like to refresh the risk parameter suggestions considering the implementation of Exchange Rate Oracles and current liquidity conditions.

Asset Supply Cap Collateral Factor Liquidation Factor Liquidation Penalty
MaticX 6.6M MaticX 80% 85% 10%
stMatic 1.4M stMatic 80% 85% 10%

Change in Liquidity and Supply Caps

Liquidity as of this recommendation

Asset Dex Category Pool Assets TVL (mil) 24H Volume (mil) MaticX (or) stMATIC TVL (mil) URL
MaticX Balancer WMATIC/MaticX 8.05 0.13 6.1 Link
MaticX Balancer WMATIC/MaticX 0.34 0.012 0.28 Link
MaticX Quickswap WMATIC/MaticX 0.27 0.007 0.07 Link
MaticX Total - 8.66 0.149 6.45 -
stMatic Balancer WMATIC/stMATIC 1.97 0.02 1.77 Link
stMatic Balancer WMATIC/stMATIC 0.36 0.001 0.17 Link
stMatic Curve WMATIC/stMATIC 0.15 - 0.03 Link
stMatic Total - 2.48 0.021 1.97 -

Liquidity per previous recommendation

Asset Dex Category Pool Assets TVL (mil) 24H Volume (mil) MaticX (or) stMATIC TVL (mil) URL
MaticX Balancer WMATIC/MaticX 11.2 4 5 link
MaticX Balancer WMATIC/MaticX 0.56 0.32 0.23 link
MaticX Quickswap WMATIC/MaticX 0.42 0.05 0.14 link
MaticX Total - 12.18 4.37 5.37 -
stMatic Balancer WMATIC/stMATIC 2.65 1.33 1.24 link
stMatic Balancer WMATIC/stMATIC 0.56 0.02 0.28 link
stMatic Quickswap WMATIC/stMATIC 0.38 0.008 0.1 link
stMatic Total - 3.59 1.35 1.62 -

We would like to flag that the overall liquidity profile for both MaticX and stMatic have trended lower compared to the time of last recommendation. However we suggest no changes in the caps considering the liquidity in respective staking protocols along with the employment of exchange rate oracles.

Liquidation Factor (LF) & Liquidation Penalty (LP)

The exchange rates divergences from the market rate and must be upper-bounded by 1-LF, furthermore, it is essential to have an additional buffer to account for potential long-tail divergences. Given the use of exchange rates, we would like to modify the previous formula to consider the minimum of the price deltas:

LF = 1 - 3 * min(ΔStMaticMarketExchangeRate, ΔMaticxMarketExchangeRate)

Based on the maximum deviation observed between exchange rates and market rates, and taking the minimum of the two assets, we recommend setting the new Liquidation Factor (LF) at 85% for both MaticX and stMatic. Given the current liquidity conditions, we advise against adjusting the Liquidation Penalty (LP) at this time.

Update on Comet Listing

Gauntlet is following up with Lido and Stader on the potential impact of the MATIC → POL migration. It is expected to take place in September based on this article. We will hold off listing until we have a better understanding of how POL will impact stMATIC and MATICx.

Adding StoreFactorPrice and TargetReserves
Storefront Price Factor: 70%
Target Reserves: 39,000,000

We reached out to both parties and received the following feedback that the migration will be fully backwards compatible, requiring no action on Polygon. Gauntlet is prepared to proceed with the listing of Comet.

Thanks for the clarifications & updates @Gauntlet. Now that we have alignment from all parties, will get started on the technical stuff to get it listed