BlockDog: Credit score for Crypto lending

Hi, I’m Jatin , CEO of - an AI powered crypto credit score. Compound’s crypto lending could be safer & smarter with BlockDog’s financial insights. We’ve been building BlockDog for 4 months now and

  • have developed machine learning models trained on Aave historical data that predict liquidations with 97% accuracy.
  • Support blockchains - Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cronos. Solana & more incoming.
  • Currently, we look at lending history on Aave V2 & Compound. Working to include more lending protocols as well.
  • Compound lenders can increase/decrease interest rates or collateral based on the BlockDog credit score
  • We look at factors like transaction history, age of wallet, previous defaults, repayment regularities, existing loan positions and many more features to score a wallet.

We’d love to collaborate with Compound and any feedback from the community would mean the world to us.