COMP Reward Adjustments v2

How to do better?

Publishing Compound Treasury data / NO
Updating Medium / NO
Improve the transparency of Compound /NO
Boost market confidence /NO
Return to a dominant market position GFX LABS /NO
Sends two tweets a month? / YES

Most users don’t know the existence of this proposal, and most projects in the Defi ecosystem don’t even know about it. There is almost no twitter space discussing the reduction in Comp rewards.This is due to low-frequency marketing.

For institutions with a lot of COMP, isn’t one month long enough for them to make a decision? but they didn’t speak up, maybe they would vote.

Other protocols relying on Compound will change their strategy. (like:Notional、Yearn、GRO)

"Aave polygon rewards have ended. Aave mainnet rewards end next month. "

Tyler has prepared kickstart rewards to replace unpurposed incentives, and we can discuss new incentive distributions at a longer time.