Compound Developer Community Call – Apr. 21, 9:30am PT

On April 21, at 9:30am PT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol.

Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc.

  1. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call.
  2. Proposal/Project Discussions : The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on.
  • Adam Bavosa - Compound.js Changes
  • Sam Simons - cCOMP Market Research
  • Larry Sukernik - Grants Batch 2 Funded
  • TylerEther - LINK Listing Proposal
  • Getty Hill - Chainlink Oracle Solution Update
  • Kevin Nielsen - Boardroom Integration with Compound Grants
  1. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc.

If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you’d like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute.

Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can’t make it.

Hope to see you on the call tomorrow!

Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call today! I’ve posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call here or on your favorite podcast platform.

Compound Developer Community Call Notes

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Larry Sukernik - Grants Batch 2 Funded (starts at 2:36)

  • Larry provided an update on the Grants program, which recently funded its second batch of 6 projects for a total of $98k. A brief list of the funded projects and grant amounts is provided below.
    • Integrating Compound Grants with Boardroom ($7.5k)
    • Standalone Dashboard for Compound ($10k)
    • Building Flipside Crypto Dashboards for Compound ($25k)
    • Educational Content on Compound (in Japanese) ($15k)
    • Compound-ERC20-Migrator ($2.5k)
    • Integrating Fluidity with Compound ($37.5k)

Sam Simons - cCOMP Market Research (starts at 16:44)

  • Sam gave an overview of the cCOMP market research he’s been conducting as a part of a funded grants project. Sam compared the market dynamics for COMP across various protocols, including Compound, Venus, and CREAM to understand how the asset is being used and traded. One of the major goals of the research is to determine if a borrow cap for COMP on Compound is necessary, in order to prevent voting manipulation. You can view a Dune dashboard that Sam created to analyze COMP, and stay tuned for a more formal write-up on the forums.

Johann Eid - Chainlink Oracle Solution (starts at 28:15)

  • Johann shared more context around the proposed Chainlink oracle solution, which has been discussed at length in the forums. Johann explained that the proposed solution consists of premium data providers like CoinGecko, Brave New Coin, CryptoCompare who aggregate prices across multiple sources, and a Uniswap anchor to validate that prices are within a 15% deviation range of the Chainlink price. Governance would also have the ability to switch from the Chainlink price to the Uniswap TWAP price if the system encountered any issues. The development work for this solution is almost completed, and Johann expects that the audit from Trail of Bits will ready in the next week or so.

TylerEther - LINK Listing Proposal (starts at 42:20)

  • TylerEther shared an update on the efforts to add LINK as the next supported market on Compound. Tyler proposes that the market be initially deployed with the conservative parameters of 0% collateral factor, 25% reserve factor, and 0.0014625 COMP speed (same as BAT, UNI, and ZRX). Tyler plans to submit a governance proposal for the LINK listing in the coming days, so keep an eye out for the proposal.

Kevin Nielsen - Boardroom Integration with Compound Grants (starts at 46:10)

  • Kevin shared a demo of Boardroom’s integration with the Compound Grants Program. The integrated dashboard has a brainstorming section for community members to organize ideas, a voting section that allows COMP holders to signal their support for various proposals, a finance section that shows awarded grant projects, and a calendar that will show upcoming community events. The Boardroom team is looking for feedback from the broader community on which features would be valuable on the dashboard, so reach out to Kevin with any ideas.

Could we either get the Spotify updated, or stop linking it? Personally it would be great for me to have it there, but that might just be me on my commute.

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