Compound Developer Community Call – May 5, 9:30am PT

On May 5, at 9:30am PT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol.

Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc.

  1. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call.
  2. Proposal/Project Discussions : The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on.
  • Leighton Cusack - USDC Loan to PoolTogether
  • Getty Hill - ChainLink Oracle Development
  • Fluidity - Stablecoin Project Powered by Compound
  • Cyber - Compound APY Dashboard
  1. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc.

If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you’d like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute.

Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can’t make it.

Hope to see you on the call tomorrow!


Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call today! I’ve posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call here .

Compound Developer Community Call Notes

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Leighton Cusack - USDC Loan to PoolTogether (starts at 2:20)

  • Leighton presented a vision for “Compound Liquidity”, a program that provides long-term growth liquidity to the best projects built on top of the Compound protocol. The goals of the program are to help existing projects grow, incentivize new projects to integrate with Compound, and grow the Compound treasury through potential governance token rewards. As a pilot, Leighton proposes a $10m loan of USDC to a PoolTogether Prize Pool to boost the prize amount. Eventually, Leighton envisions a $100m fund that the protocol uses to help grow other projects in the ecosystem. You can view Leighton’s presentation on “Compound Liquidity” here.

Getty Hill / Johann Eid - ChainLink Oracle Development (starts at 15:45)

  • Getty and Johann provided an update on the Chainlink price feed development, which uses values within a 15% deviation of Uniswap prices. The Chainlink team has started testing the price feed on mainnet and has an audit with Trail of Bits scheduled on the 10th of May. Johann plans to publish a forum post tonight will more details on the testing results and next steps. You can read more about the proposed oracle design on the accompanying forum post.

Fluidity - Stablecoin Project Powered by Compound (starts at 23:01)

  • Shahmeer shared details on a new stablecoin called Fluidity that uses Compound in the backend to power rewards. Users deposit stablecoins onto Fluidity in exchange for “Fluid Dollars”. Fluidity supplies the stablecoins to Compound to earn yield, and creates prize pools with the yield similar to PoolTogether. The main innovation of the Fluidity system is that the prize pool is awarded to a winning transaction of Fluid Dollars, split between the sender and receiver. Rewarding transactions instead of addresses incentivizes the community to use Fluid Dollars for a variety of payments use cases. Shahmeer expects the smart contracts for Fluidity to be deployed in June, so stay tuned for any updates on the launch timing. You can view Fluidity’s presentation here.

Cyber - Compound APY Dashboard (starts at 31:50)

  • Cyber and Pluto discussed a new data analytics dashboard that they are building, which allows users to view and compare market APY data over different time frames. They are currently working on design and development of the dashboard, and plan to launch it in June. They also plan to publish a forum in the next couple weeks to gather feedback from the community on which data points would be most useful.