[Gauntlet] - Base USDS Comet Recommendations

Simple Summary

If the community wishes to launch the Base v3 USDS comet, Gauntlet recommends the below risk parameters:

Risk Parameters

Asset Collateral Factor Liquidation Factor Liquidation Penalty Supply Cap
sUSDS 93% 95% 4% 25,000,000 sUSDS


USDS has been witnessing growing TVL on Base chain with over $200M bridged - 100M in USDS and 97M in sUSDS.

Supply Caps and Liquidation Penalty


Pool Type Pool Name Pool TVL (USD) 24H Volume (USD) URL
Aerodrome Slipstream USDS / USDC 0.01% $1.38M $296,817.52 Link
Aerodrome Slipstream USDS / WETH 0.05% $0.00 $1,475.19 Link
Total TVL: $1.38M

Reviewing the liquidity pathways from the proposed collateral assets sUSDS to USDS, Gauntlet recommends only onboarding sUSDS as collateral asset for the time being due to no/poor liquidity pathways to other assets. We recommend aligning the liquidation penalty of sUSDS to that of sUSDe on the Mantle comet.

Asset Liquidation Penalty
sUSDS 4%

Gauntlet recommends setting the supply caps to the following:

Asset Supply Cap
sUSDS 25,000,000

Collateral Factors (CF) and Liquidation Factors (LF)

We recommends adjusting the CF and LFs with respect to the recommended Liquidation Penalties (LP). The recommended values are as follows

Asset Collateral Factor Liquidation Factor
sUSDS 93% 95%

Storefront price factor: 60%

Targetted Reserves: 20M

Seed Reserves: 100,000 USDS

IR Curve Parameters

We recommend aligning the IR parameters to those of stablecoin comets :

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Base 0.015 0.015
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Slope Low 0.0333 0.05
Borrow Kink 0.9 0.9
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Slope High 4 3.4
Annual Supply Interest Rate Base 0 0
Annual Supply Interest Rate Slope Low 0.039 0.054
Supply Kink 0.9 0.9
Annual Supply Interest Rate Slope High 3.6 3.034

Utilization vs APRs & Reserve Factor

At 90% kink, the Borrow APR is 6% and Supply APR is 4.86%, the comet will have positive reserve growth when the utilization is >72%

Incentive Parameters

Our COMP rewards recommendations are designed to offer appealing distribution APRs when the comets are first launched and when supply caps are highly utilized.

Gauntlet is recommending supply rewards to incentivize a more significant inflow of supply tokens into the protocol. This is important in the early stages of protocol growth before borrowers can join. Daily COMP rewards are subject to change as TVL rises and the markets evolve.

Daily COMP Supply Rewards Daily COMP Borrow Rewards
24 12

With the above utilization and the present Interest Rate curve:

  • Supply APR: 4.86%
  • Borrow APR: 6.00%

Given the current COMP price of $77 at 90% utilization:

  • Supply Distribution APR: 5.34%
  • Borrow Distribution APR: 2.96%

This results in the following Net APRs:

  • Net Supply APR: 10.20%
  • Net Borrow APR: 3.04%
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I like USDS yields but am wary about it. Wish there was higher liquidity on Base, it is a little thin for me to use this

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We anticipate USDS market to grow on Base in Q1-Q2 25, with that we are aiming to be early movers in capturing the market share for USDS on the Base ecosystem.

Appreciate the recommendations from Gauntlet, we will be including the USDS market in the Growth Program pipeline

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Looking forward to continued growth on Base in 2025.

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I like it. I am personally staying away from USDS but I see no reason not to start with a decent cap like $25m.

[Gauntlet] - cbBTC Risk Recommendations for Base USDS Comet

If the community wishes to add cbBTC to the Base USDS Comet conditional on improving liquidity, Gauntlet recommends the following risk parameters:


USDS Comet

Collateral Supply Cap Collateral Factor Liquidation Factor Liquidation Penalty
cbBTC 0.1 80% 85% 5%


As of writing this, there’s no natural liquidity for cbBTC-USDS pair. Gauntlet recommends setting the supply cap at 0.1 cbBTC reflecting the max TVL for the USDS-USDC pair, enabling pathways to liquidation.

Pool Type Pool Name Pool URL TVL ($) 24H Volume ($)
Aerodrome-Slipstream USDS / USDC 0.01% Link 10K 30,976
Aerodrome-Base sUSDS / WETH Link 0 137
Aerodrome-Base sUSDS / cbBTC Link 0 50
Aerodrome-Base cbETH / sUSDS Link 0 95

Total TVL: $10K

Liquidation Factor, Collateral Factor and Liquidation Penalty

Due to the similarity in the nature of assets, we recommend aligning cbBTC’s CF,LF and LP to that of cbBTC on Mainnet comets.

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Add сUSDSv3 on Base

Proposal - Tally | Compound | Initialize cUSDSv3 on Base
PR - Proposal for Base USDS market by MishaShWoof · Pull Request #959 · compound-finance/comet · GitHub


  1. Run Slither. Fails. :x:. Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  2. Forge test. Success.:white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  3. Gas Profiler. Success.:white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  4. Scan. Success.:white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  5. base-usds Scenario. Success. :white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  6. Unit tests. Success.:white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  7. Eslint. Success.:white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  8. Contract linter. Success.:white_check_mark: Squash USDS Base · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub
  9. Deploy. Success.:white_check_mark: Deploy Market · woof-software/comet@1fd5eb6 · GitHub
  10. Enact migration. Success.:white_check_mark: Enact Migration · woof-software/comet@8c37888 · GitHub


Comet - https://basescan.org/address/0x2c776041CCFe903071AF44aa147368a9c8EEA518
CometFactory -https://basescan.org/address/0x3D0bb1ccaB520A66e607822fC55BC921738fAFE3#code
CometExtDelegate - https://basescan.org/address/0xaA390749cb758Af4070E93478Fc743c72c18989c#code

Propose transaction - Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan

Description we use:

Initialize cUSDSv3 on Base\n\n

Proposal summary\n\n

Compound Growth Program [AlphaGrowth] proposes the deployment of Compound III to the Base network. This proposal takes the governance steps recommended and necessary to initialize a Compound III USDS market on Base; upon execution, cUSDSv3 will be ready for use. Simulations have confirmed the market’s readiness, as much as possible, using the Comet scenario suite. The new parameters include setting the risk parameters based off of the recommendations from Gauntlet.\n\n

Further detailed information can be found on the corresponding proposal pull request, deploy market GitHub action run and forum discussion.\n\n\n

cbBTC collateral\n\n

Due to the high speed of the market deployment, Gauntlet provided recommendations for cbBTC internally. By the voting start of voting, Gauntlet should be able to update forum the thread with recommendations.\n\n

sUSDS price feed\n\n

The sUSDS on Mainnet was a 4626 contract. However, on Base, the sUSDS contract has another contract standard. To speed up the development we decided to use the already deployed price feed of sUSDS/USDS on Base by Spark team. The price feed is compatible with our price feed interface and can be re-used. The audit report of price feed.\n\n

Proposal Actions\n\n

The first proposal action sets the Comet configuration, deploys a new Comet implementation on Base and sends the encoded ‘setFactory’, ‘setConfiguration’ and ‘deployAndUpgradeTo’ calls across the bridge to the governance receiver on Base. It also calls ‘setRewardConfig’ on the Base rewards contract, to set the new Comet’s supply speed to 24 COMP/day and borrow speed to 12 COMP/day.\n\n

The second action reduces Compound’s cDAI reserves and transfers it to Timelock, in order to convert it for USDS and then seed the market reserves for the cUSDSv3 Comet.\n\n

The third action approves DaiToUsdsConverterAddress to take Timelock’s DAI and covert it into USDS.\n\n

The fourth action converts DAI into USDS so it can be transferred to Base in order to seed the reserves.\n\n

The fifth action approves L1USDSBridge to take Timelock’s USDS.\n\n

The sixth action deposits 100K USDS from mainnet to the Base L1USDSBridge contract to bridge to the Comet.\n\n

The seventh action updates the ENS TXT record ‘v3-official-markets’ on ‘v3-additional-grants.compound-community-licenses.eth’, updating the official markets JSON to include the new Mantle cUSDSv3 market.

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In the on-chain proposal, in the seventh action we meant Base network, not Mantle network. Also, instead of "By the voting start of voting” should be “By the start of voting”

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