[Gauntlet] Compound v3 USDC Comets - IR Curve Recommendations

Simple Summary

Gauntlet recommends updating the IR Curves in USDC comets to further incentivize utilization past the kink and improve rates.


Parameter Current Recommended
Annual Supply Interest Rate Base 0.0 0.0
Annual Supply Interest Rate Slope Low 0.075 0.0712
Supply Kink 0.9 0.9
Annual Supply Interest Rate Slope High 3.6 3.875
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Base 0.015 0.015
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Slope Low 0.0833 0.0722
Borrow Kink 0.9 0.9
Annual Borrow Interest Rate Slope High 4.3 4.3


The recommended IR Curve decrease the implied reserve factor close to the kink, thereby offering more appealing rates. Additionally, lowering the Borrow APR at the kink from 9% to 8% will further incentivize utilization at or slightly above the kink, also resulting in more efficient rates.

Next Steps

  • Target on-chain vote 6/3/24.