Migrating to the Open Price Feed

We’ve been working on getting up test-nets for the Open Price Feed. We currently have an oracle set-up on both Kovan and Ropsten networks. The Kovan oracle uses the Uniswap cumulative prices copied from mainnet and the Ropsten oracle uses the real Uniswap factory contracts. These deployments will help us see how the oracle responds to real prices and interactions with Uniswap. Feel free to post to these oracles using the compound-poster.

Kovan: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0xbBdE93962Ca9fe39537eeA7380550ca6845F8db7
Ropsten: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xbef4e076a995c784be6094a432b9ca99b7431a3f

Note: our test nets are managed by eureka. If you have questions or want to follow along with test-net deployments, that would be the best place.