Permissionless Listing / Isolated Markets

Great feedback, I really appreciate it!

I am very supportive of the free market. One of the things that I love most about DeFi is how there are no governments or regulators here to “protect” users or to fix markets.

Like here in Canada and the US, regulators “protect” investors by severely limiting access to investment opportunities because of risk. In doing so, these regulators severely limit the average person’s ability to learn how to significantly grow their wealth. In particular, accredited investors get access to MANY more and better deals, but one has to first make $1M to get that accredited status.

Protecting users from anything which could hurt them generally hurts them more because they’re denied the opportunity to learn and grow.

But yes, Compound does have a reputation to maintain and we don’t want users to get scammed or lose a lot of money. It also goes without saying that protocol security is of utmost importance.

Therefore, it’s our responsibility to educate users on the risks and to develop a UI/UX which aids the user in this regard as much as possible.

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