The APR can be quite volatile and it would be beneficial to see an average for the week and/or month to provide a more accurate picture.
Also for users who are depositing/withdrawing large amounts I think a post-withdrawal/deposit APR would be nice to see, sucks to see 13% then have it drop to like 5% after I deposit.
Just a small quality of life improvement I’d like which would improve my experience as a user. Thank you.
There are so many improvement that could be made to the interface, if Compound owners (the big accounts) could make it transparent what they want Compound to be, and for who.
List of things on the top of my head for retail users:
See the interest you have earned in your account (your wallet) on an ongoing basis. Does not need to be perfect, just close enough.
What’s been your earnings this week, this month, this year, all-time.
Help text and tutorials in the interface. Ie. “Why would you want to put in your BTC and get out USDC?” “How do I pay interest?” “What are these bonus COMP tokens?”
Suggestions as to what could be beneficial to do with the coins you have in your wallet, ie: “We see you have lots X token, did you know you could be making X% APR on that with Compound?”
There is a huge oppotunity to drive adoption here, but so far the interface just looks sleek - I does not help users onboard to Compound. You as a user has to figure out how you can make Compound valuable for you → how to not get adoption.
As a depositor, I have been keeping track of my APR since the beginning, using MS Excel. By daily entering the updated values into my own spreadsheet, I can immediately see the results from the previous day, and the Excel program calculates the expected yearly APR based on the values my spreadsheet tracks. For me, the dashboard does not need improvement for clarity. I already find it very useful in its current state, and the frontend Compound Dashboard provides me with all the data I need. However, I may be in the minority with my opinion, as I have been managing my own financial administration for more than 20 years. Reading, analyzing, and storing data myself has become second nature to me.
I think this is quite a necessity for a lending platform, as it allows users to compare other platforms and choose the best option for their needs. Without average rates, it’s pretty inaccurate to determine which protocol offers the best rate for the user.