[AlphaGrowth] Compound Growth Program - Marketing Updates

The Compound Growth program recently executed its first marketing campaign, and we are pleased to share the initial results with the community.

As a multi-stakeholder engagement, AlphaGrowth worked closely with Layer 3 (A CGP grantee), Wormhole and GFX Labs.

Note: the time of writing the post was March 20, but due to prioritizing Arbitrum LTIPP and Optimism grant applications for Compound, posting was delayed.

Campaign & Background:

Wormhole Bridge received an Arbitrum STIP grant to incentivize USDC deposits to Compound on Arbitrum through the Wormhole bridge application. Users who bridged USDC were eligible for an additional APR boost sponsored by the STIP grant. Readers can find more context Here.

We created a Layer3 quest called, “Compound Academy Quest: Bridge USDC for Arbitrum,” campaign details Here. Layer 3 was a CGP grantee and one of their milestones was to execute compound quests. They applied for Dapps and protocol Ideas domain of CGP managed by @allthecolors

Ad Spend:

Ten thousand USD were spent on social media marketing and targeted ads. These funds were derived from the Compound Growth Program marketing fund.


Campaign results for the $10,000 in marketing spend are outlined below. Overall the campaign made 926,300 impressions of whom 8,900 prospects visited the quest page.

Total Outcome

By Campaign



This marketing campaign started on Feb 22, 2024. Since inception the total active wallets on Compound’s USDC Market (on Arbitrum) have doubled from 1600 active wallets to 3200 active wallets. The following graph depicts the steady growth in active wallets. Source: Gauntlet- Active vs Inactive addresses timeseries

This rise in the number of active addresses is consistent with the number of users that completed the Compound quest, which as of now totals 1586 users.

Def. “Completed” (in reference to the quest) means a user has successfully bridged USDC and deposited it in the USDC market through Compound on Arbitrum.

Here is the Quest page: https://layer3.xyz/quests/compound-academy-bridge-usdc

TVL Impact

The TVL in terms of Active deposits in Compound on Arbitrum rose from $87M at the start of the campaign to a height of $117M and currently rests at $101M. This period also witnessed a rise in the markets overall, hence we cannot give firm statistical evidence that the rise in active wallets was solely due to the mechanics of this program.

Source: Messari

We will provide a final report once Wormhole publish results from their end.

The first marketing Campaign served as a good test to identify the key channels to promote content related to Compound, as we work towards the bigger goals of Marketing the Optimism deployment and the USDT markets.

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Update 1:

Total Active wallets on Arbitrum has continued its steady climb for the past two months. The current wallet count for Arbitrum USDC stands at 8K wallets (7.2K Active wallets), the number of wallets at the start of the campaign were 1.8K, giving a 4.5x increase in the number of users.
Source: Gauntlet