With this proposal, we’re suggesting that the price feeds on the USDC (Native) Comet on Base are switched to API3 in order to recapture OEV currently being lost needlessly by Compound. The recaptured proceeds will be utilised to purchase COMP on the open market and to top up the CometRewards on Base, unburdening the DAO from passing proposals like this in the future while utilising sustainable new funds for the process.
We’d appreciate the feedback of everyone in this proposal. After allowing for ample discussion time as well as time for running all simulations and tests in accordance with the comet scenario suit, we’ll be initiating an on-chain proposal to switch the respective price feeds on Base over to API3. PRs, simulations & tests as well as any respectively deployed contracts will be posted on this thread.
Description of the Proposal
Compound is losing significant sums to Oracle Extractable Value every time there are liquidations on the protocol. In the past, API3 has made a forum post suggesting how this value can be recaptured potentially bringing in millions in additional revenue to Compound on a yearly basis. After allowing for ample time for discussions to take place around the matter, we’d like to propose moving forward with the solution on a single comet to prove viability.
For everyone interested in knowing what OEV is and how our solution suggests to recapture it, there is an article available by Delphi Digitial here: API3: The State of OEV - Delphi Digital
To begin with, we’d like to suggest changing the price feeds to API3 on the USDC (Native) Comet on Base. The comet has been selected due to the fact that it is a small enough market to contain risk, while being big enough to show significant value being returned.
According to @gauntlet weekly reporting on this specific comet since April 2024 (here and here), the comet has been running on a deficit of nearly 155k. This calculation includes reserve accumulation and the COMP reward issuance on the comet (as seen in the screenshot below for the week of 2024-08-05 through 2024-08-11).
At the same time this comet has paid out nearly 330k in liquidation incentives. API3’s solution has the potential to recapture all of this value for Compound. Even being able to recapture half of the incentives currently bleeding away, would result in the comet running a profit instead of bleeding away money.
The price feeds needed for this change are for USDC as well as the respective collateral assets in the comet - cbETH, wETH and wstETH. All of these prices will be made available through Chainlink interfaces that Compound is used to while utilising the MultiplicativePriceFeed.sol contract for the LSTs that combine exchange rates of the respective LST with an ETH/USD price feed. This results in the following price feed changes:
wstETH/USD (Multiplicative | wstETH/ETH Exchange Rate + ETH/USD)
cbETH/USD (Multiplicative | cbETH/ETH Exchange Rate + ETH/USD)
The respective contracts will be deployed in the coming days and linked for review.
Since we’re treating this as a pilot project, the OEV that is being recaptured is going to be redirected to an API3 operated multi-sig on Base. The funds are then going to be utilised to purchase COMP on the open market and sent to the CometRewards contract on Base. If the solution is adopted across more markets in the future, the recipient of OEV proceeds can be changed to a Compound controlled address. If Compound is happy with the suggested COMP buy & CometRewards top-up method, API3 would be willing to continue this operation in the future for this and potentially other comets.
We additionally want to mention that @Gauntlet has been talking about the issues around timeliness in liquidations throughout the recent market turndown in the past community call as well as on this forum post. Adopting API3s OEV solution also comes with the added benefit of additional searchers that are going to be actively performing liquidations on API3 supported comets. We’re working with a few specialised entities that have onboarded to our solution and are actively performing liquidations across all API3 supported protocols. This proposal doesn’t only introduce another oracle provider that happens to return significant some of money back to Compound, but it also provides Compound with more searchers on API3 supported comets to tackle an issue raised by @Gauntlet.
Delphi Digital - “API3: The State of OEV” - “On OEV - Putting MEV back to where it belongs”
Dune - Liquidation Data for Compound USDC (Native) Comet Base