Cant test compound supply with foundry

I am using foundry for testing Compound V3(comet) , but i am facing with some trouble. I just searched all around but didnt find any answer.

I am testing supply function in comet with foundry, i also run vm.roll to go to new block but there was nothing changes with my interest (I tested with hardhat and it was work).

my code like that (balance didnt changes)

3 mins
contract ContractTest is Test {
  address usdc = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48;
  Comet comet = Comet(0xc3d688B66703497DAA19211EEdff47f25384cdc3);
  IERC20 USDC = IERC20(usdc);

  function setUp() public {
    vm.createSelectFork("mainnet", 17330000);
    // console.log("Balance comet before: ", 
    console.log("Balance comet before: ", comet.balanceOf(address(this)));
    console.log("balance", USDC.balanceOf(0x55FE002aefF02F77364de339a1292923A15844B8));
    vm.prank(0x55FE002aefF02F77364de339a1292923A15844B8); //Top holder USDC
    // USDC.transfer(address(this), 110000*1e6);
    USDC.approve(address(comet), 110000*1e6);

  function testSupplyBase() public {
    console.log("----Before testing supply, all status:----");
    console.log("Balance usdc before: ", USDC.balanceOf(address(0x55FE002aefF02F77364de339a1292923A15844B8)));

    vm.prank(0x55FE002aefF02F77364de339a1292923A15844B8); //Top holder USDC, 1000*1e6);

    console.log("Balance comet before: ", comet.balanceOf(address(0x55FE002aefF02F77364de339a1292923A15844B8)));
    vm.roll(17330000 + 100);
    // console.log(block.number);
    console.log("Balance comet after: ", comet.balanceOf(address(0x55FE002aefF02F77364de339a1292923A15844B8)));
    // console.log("balance", USDC.balanceOf(0x44B6370d43e359CE20fffd91B7652bCF0Fa4B40a));

Hello ! It might be that Compound III is timestamp dependent and not block number dependent. Thus you need to use vm.warp (which sets block.timestamp) instead of vm.roll (which sets block.number).