Compound V3 wETH Comet: Risk Parameter Updates 2023-02-22

Simple Summary

Gauntlet proposes no changes to Compound V3 wETH Comet parameters this week.


These parameter updates are a continuation of Gauntlet’s regular parameter recommendations as part of Dynamic Risk Parameters.


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets. Gauntlet has published a blog post on our parameter recommendation methodology to provide more context to the community.

Top 30 borrowers’ entire supply

Top 30 borrowers’ entire borrows

cbETH supply cap analysis

The cbETH supply cap was recently increased from 20k to 30k, and the supply cap is currently 82% utilized at 24.5k cbETH.

Gauntlet’s platform will continue to monitor the cbETH supply cap utilization as we near the Shanghai upgrade. Gauntlet has conducted risk research on the Shanghai upgrade’s implications for Compound here.

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