Deployment on the Concordium Blockchain

The Concordium Blockchain will soon bridge in to the Ethereum ecosystem with its upcoming VEGA update. It would be excellent to see the Compound defi protocol operating on Concordium to facilitate the use of the new tokens coming in to the system. Concordium is a public-layer 1, science-backed blockchain, designed to balance privacy with accountability through its ID layer. The protocol level ID, ensures that every wallet is associated with a real-world identity that has been verified through a third party ID provider, so that people and companies can trust one another, while remaining private, with zero-knowledge-proof.

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Yesterday the founder has increased spending on new projects to €10 million.

Applications can be made here:

Concordium is by far the best project I’ve seen since 5 years in this space. It simply doesn’t get better than this.

The founder is a well known Danish entrepreneur and banker with libertarian views on life. He’s pledged to combine the best of two worlds; the crypto/ blockchain side and the trafi/ society in general.

Nobody hopes for a meltdown in crypto due to regulations that will effect all altcoins enormously. But if it happens the only one arising from the ashes will be Concordium

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