Feedback and Suggestions for CGP- Dev Tooling Domain

Hello this is Doo from StableLab. Our team is currently Domain Allocator for Multi - Chain/Cross chain Strategy and also Dev Tooling Domain.

For Developer Tooling Domain, here are the details:

  • Category B: Dev Tooling
    • RFP B1: Dev tools that make Compound easily integrate into other apps/protocols:

Including dev tools that make smart contract interaction with Compound easier. Please check existing tools: Compound JS and Compound Kit

  • RFP B2: Improvements to Compound’s Dev tools:

Improvements to Compound’s Dev tools in various areas including security and UI/UX.

  • RFP B3: Improvements to Documentation:

Include improvements to documentation regarding governance, UI, UX and dev tools. This RFP should examine existing documentations (Compound III Documentation and Compound Education first before specify what is missing in terms of documentation)

Dev Tooling domain will not accept new app or extension ideas. Those should go to Domain: Protocol Ideas and dApps.

We have already engaged in discussions with various Compound core team members and are eager to extend this conversation to a wider audience. Your feedback and suggestions, especially from those who work directly with Compound integration, is crucial. It gives us deeper insights and informs our grants review process to effectively meet the needs and preferences of the community. We will also prepare a public call next year to discuss with the community.


One of the criticism of the Dev Tooling Domain seems to be funding features that are not so relevant to the the devs working on Compound ecosystem. Therefore, we believe it’s better to act on such when explicitly requested by the devs working on Compound ecosystem

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