Long Term Compound Growth Program

Hello Compounders, there is a proposal on the governance platform to kickoff a long-term Compound Growth Program - Here is the governance proposal

We recently concluded the 4 month trial phase of the Growth Program where some of our achievements include

  • Deploying Compound on OP Mainnet
  • Phased Deployment of USDT Markets on 4 chains - ETH, ARB, OP and Polygon
  • Secured a 1.8MM ARB grant from the Arbitrum Ecosystem
  • in Final stages securing another 150K OP from the Optimism grants council
  • Succeeded in user expansion strategies
    • ARB-USDC-market; active wallets increased from 1.6K to 15K
    • OP-USDC-market; active wallets increase from 0 to 14K+ within three weeks of the market’s launch

For detailed outcomes of the Growth Program, visit Compound Growth Program Outcomes.

Over the next 12 months we aim to assume a greater responsibility within the Compound community as the dedicated BD and Growth arm of the protocol. We will lead the charge continuing the expansion to new markets, chains, collateral assets, and integrations.

Our goal over the next 12 months:

  • $500MM increase in TVL on Compound
  • $10MM revenue generated to the treasury and make the cost of the Compound growth program break even
  • Increase the number of users on compound markets
  • Push high-priority integrations for Compound
  • Secure several more grants from partner ecosystems

Here is the full proposal to renew and expand the Compound Growth program

The Compound Growth Program will ensure that Compound.Finance stays at the top of the DeFi space. We invite delegates to vote on this proposal and help us take Compound to new heights.


We have cancelled our proposal due to some technical errors for on-chain execution. The proposal called the TransferComp function which withdraws from Timelock. The timelock does not have enough comp to transfer of the proposal succeeds.

So we have been advised to cancel the proposal and relaunch it to directly withdraw from treasury using the _grantComp function.

We thank the community for their support and will post an update as soon as we relaunch the proposal.



The renewal proposal for the 12 month term of the Compound Growth Program is up!

For the next 12 months, we aim to grow the protocol by $500 Million and expand to more markets like USDT.

We look forward to the Community support for this proposal to ensure continued expansion of the Compound Protocol:
Tally Link: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/compound/proposal/2325657682498815469
Compound link: https://compound.finance/governance/proposals/248