[AlphaGrowth] Compound Growth Program Updates

Growth Program Week 5 updates


With week 5, we continue our conversations with multiple stakeholders within the Compound Ecosystem. As we continued conversations, a few topics were recurring which have also consolidated themselves as major requirements for the Growth of the Protocol. We have listed these topics below

  • Optimism Integration: Deploying Compound V3 on the Optimism Mainnet, continuing the previously started conversation. We connected with OP labs to gauge the synergies, OP labs also desired an integration with Compound, but they declined on allocating engineering resources for this integration.
  • Rewards Contract: We have posted this topic on a dedicated thread.
  • USDT Market: USDT remains one of the Key markets on V2 and on competitor platforms.
  • Arbitrum LTIP: Arbitrum DAO will soon be launching a 45M ARB program to incentivize ecosystem projects. We will conduct discovery calls to identify the suitability and candidature of Compound for this program.
  • RWAs: In our conversations with multiple community members and delegates, RWAs on Compound was a recurring topic. While it is still early, we aim to facilitate conversations in this direction.

Additionally, we have connected with a few of the Dapps that can benefit Compound with an integration, we have referred these Dapps to the Compound Grants Program.


Wormhole: We connected with the Wormhole team on their upcoming campaign for incentivizing Deposits on ARB Compound through Wormhole. We are selecting relevant marketing Channels to start a marketing campaign on this event.

Linea: After Connecting with the Linea team, we were able to secure soft commitments in terms of incentives for Compound from the Linea team. When Compound Launches on Linea, we will be engaging in multiple marketing campaigns to attract the ecosystem users.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for the Growth Program, please feel free to drop by in our Telegram Group or reach out directly to me at shardul@alphagrowth.io