Compound V2 to V3 Migration (Phase 2)


Despite v3 USDC (Ethereum) net borrow APY being far more appealing than the v2 stablecoin net borrow APYs, we are still not observing the top non-recursive borrowers migrating over to v3. In the second phase of the migration, Gauntlet offers two proposals:

  1. If the community believes that more v3 USDC (Ethereum) rewards will incentivize users to migrate, we recommend migrating 200 daily COMP rewards from v2 to v3.
  2. If the community believes there are other reasons why users aren’t migrating (e.g. users are more comfortable with v2 at the moment, or dependent protocol integrations are blocking migration), then we do not recommend transferring any more rewards, and the community should revisit other options.

Recap of first migration proposal

The first migration proposal was executed on 3/6/23 (forum post here), with the following changes:

  • Decrease v2 daily USDC supply COMP rewards from 241.20 to 211.20 (-30)
  • Decrease v2 daily USDC borrow COMP rewards from 241.20 to 211.20 (-30)
  • Decrease v2 daily DAI supply COMP rewards from 241.20 to 211.20 (-30)
  • Decrease v2 daily DAI borrow COMP rewards from 241.20 to 211.20 (-30)
  • Increase v3 daily USDC borrow COMP rewards from 161.41 to 281.41 (+120)
  • Increase v3 ETH supply cap from 150k to 350k
  • Increase v3 WBTC supply cap from 6k to 12k
  • Increase storefront price factor from 50% to 60%

The goal of the update was to incentivize some of the top v2 non-recursive stablecoin borrowers (~$80M total borrows) to migrate to v3. In the 5 days after the proposal execution, we did not see any of these non-recursive borrowers migrate to v3, despite more favorable USDC net borrow APY. Then on 3/11/23 USDC lost parity with the dollar, and many users decided to withdraw their USDC supply and borrows from both v2 and v3, so much so that the v3 USDC borrow distribution APY was greater than the borrow APY. Since then, as seen in the charts below, the supplies and borrows for both protocols have almost fully recovered to their prior levels.

Compound v2 supply time series (3/6/23 - 3/20/23)

Compound v2 borrows time series (3/6/23 - 3/20/23)

Compound v3 USDC (Ethereum) supply time series (3/6/23 - 3/20/23)

Compound v3 USDC (Ethereum) borrows time series (3/6/23 - 3/20/23)

However, despite the regained trust in USDC, we are still not observing the top non-recursive borrowers migrating over to v3, even though v3 offers far greater net borrow APY, as shown below.

v2 DAI v2 USDT v2 USDC v3 USDC
Borrow APY 3.35% 4.85% 4.30% 3.73%
Borrow Distribution 1.77% 0.47% 1.18% 3.93%
Net Borrow APY -1.58% -4.38% -3.12% +0.20%

Second Migration Proposal (Option 1)

We propose increasing the v3 USDC borrow distributions to further incentivize users to migrate to v3. Specifically, we propose:

  • Decrease v2 daily USDC supply COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
  • Decrease v2 daily USDC borrow COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
  • Decrease v2 daily DAI supply COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
  • Decrease v2 daily DAI borrow COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
  • Increase v3 daily USDC borrow COMP rewards from 281.41 to 481.41 (+200)

The resulting net borrow APYs are shown below:

v2 DAI v2 USDC v3 USDC
Borrow APY 3.35% 4.30% 3.73%
New Borrow Distribution 1.35% 0.90% 6.52%
New Net Borrow APY -2.00% -3.40% +2.73%


Note: Assumes COMP price is $45.

Current v2 COMP distributions

Daily Supply Daily Supply (USD) Daily Borrow Daily Borrow (USD)
DAI 211.20 $9,504 211.20 $9,504
USDC 211.20 $9,504 241.20 $9,504
USDT - - 34.74 $1,563

Compound distributes roughly $40k COMP/day (~$14.6M COMP/year) to stablecoin users in Compound v2.

Current v3 COMP distributions

Daily Supply Daily Supply (USD) Daily Borrow Daily Borrow (USD)
USDC 0 $0 281.41 $12,663

Compound distributes roughly $12.6k COMP/day (~$4.6M COMP/year) to stablecoin users in Compound v3.

Current v3 daily reserve growth

Data is from 3/21/23.

Current borrows: $121M

Current utilization: 66%

Below is a table of various daily reserve growth and earn APRs given the current borrows in Compound v3 at various utilization rates. Note that v3 daily reserve growth is only positive between 50% and 85%.

Utilization Daily reserve growth Earn APR
0% -$4,873 0.03%
50% $33 1.62%
68% (current) $1,882 2.14%
86% -$46 5.0%
90% -$1,768 6.60%
95% -$3,324 8.60%
100% -$4,310 10.60%

Given the current v3 state, the daily reserve growth is $1,882/day.

On the low end of the utilization curve, the max loss in reserves would be $4,873/day at 0% utilization.

On the high end of the utilization curve, the max loss in reserves would be $4,310/day at 100% utilization.

The reserves scale linearly with increased borrows.

Below we show the notable non-recursive stablecoin borrowers in v2, all of whom were listed in the previous forum post and still remain in the v2 protocol, in addition to a new USDT borrower who joined v2 the day after the USDC lost parity with the dollar. In addition to their current positions, we show how much daily net borrow interest these users pay in v2, vs how much they’d pay in v3 assuming they migrate their positions, given this proposal is accepted and utilization equilibrium is re-established. As shown below, the top v2 users are paying ~$1k+/day in net borrow interest, and would actually earn money if they were to migrate to v3.

Notable v2 non-recursive USDC borrowers

Address Supply tokens Supply Borrows v2 net borrow paid interest/day by this user v3 net borrow interest paid/day by this user if proposal executed & user migrated (without reward dilution) v3 net borrow interest paid/day by this user if proposal executed & user migrated (with reward dilution)
28617487 WBTC, ETH, BAT $174.9M $72.0M -$6,700 +$5,400 +$594
6e5665bd ETH $29.8M $13.4M -$1,250 +$1,000 +$764
64639cf8 ETH, WBTC $24.8M $12.0M -$1,120 +$900 +$705
7499bba9 ETH $27.1M $10.0M -$930 +$750 +$612
ec64ca41 ETH $50.4M $11.2M -$1,040 +$840 +$669
14c3cfdd ETH, WBTC $18.0M $9.0M -$840 +$670 +$562

Notable v2 non-recursive DAI borrowers

Address Supply tokens Supply Borrows v2 net borrow paid interest/day by this user v3 net borrow interest paid/day by this user if proposal executed & user migrated (without reward dilution) v3 net borrow interest paid/day by this user if proposal executed & user migrated (with reward dilution)
fbe5ddc3 ETH $43.1M $25.4M -$1,389 +$1,900 +$1,114
aa43ba42 WBTC $13.8M $4.9M -$368 +$367 +$333

Notable v2 non-recursive USDT borrowers

Address Supply tokens Supply Borrows v2 net borrow paid interest/day by this user v3 net borrow interest paid/day by this user if proposal executed & user migrated (without reward dilution) v3 net borrow interest paid/day by this user if proposal executed & user migrated (with reward dilution)
8d50b40d (new user) ETH $54.2M $18.3M -$1,888 +$1,369 +$940
e9605af5 ETH, WBTC $23.7M $7.9M -$815 +$591 +$505

Second Migration Proposal (Option 2)

  • No changes to current COMP distributions

There may be factors other than rewards that are preventing users from migrating to V3. For example, some protocols that have integrated with V2 may not be able to migrate to V3 without building new features / versions of their own product. Or users may be more comfortable using V2 over V3 at the moment for non-quantitative reasons that are difficult to predict. If this is the case, then migration from incentives may not be very impactful right now.

If the community believes that more incentives will improve migration, then we recommend Proposal 1. Otherwise we can look at other options.

By approving this proposal, you agree that any services provided by Gauntlet shall be governed by the terms of service available at


Thanks for the update, @nlord;

Generally, I believe that the ecosystem is best served by sticking to the migration strategy outlined in CIP-3, unless there are significant counterfactuals to support the migration.

Given that the base asset utilization rate is in a healthy state, slower than expected migration is more reason to continue the migration proposals, not less, in my personal opinion–with continued monitoring over time. I support Option 1.


Thanks @rleshner!

To gauge community sentiment, starting a poll here.

Compound Migration Phase 2 Poll
  • Option 1 (more incentives for migration)
  • Option 2 (no change)
  • Abstain

0 voters


Echoing @rleshner thoughts here and agree that it makes sense to stick to option 1 and follow the strategy outlined in CIP-3.

While we may not see a notable change in migration behaviour, we expect the new net borrow APY indicated above from Option 1 to at worst invite new users and at best be significant enough to begin migrating users from v2. Furthermore, if Option 1 is chosen and we continue down this incentive path until some acceptable migration threshold, I assume protocols/users will seriously begin to consider migration.

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I believe it depends primarily on strategic decision. Is Compound going to actually develop v2 type of protocol, or rather just support what is as long as there is big enough userbase to do so.

I do not see Compound v3 as development of Compound v2. Like at all. It’s more of a different product completely. Which does have its niche, but it’s different one. While i personally am a long-term user of v2 and also user of v3, but my believe is that v2-type protocol is by far superior for DeFi ecosystem in general. But, frankly speaking that battle is pretty much already lost to aave, with their v3 actually being a development of v2. So i can see logic by concentrating efforts on different product rather then trying to compete for the same userbase but with actually less utility and without deployments on L2.

But to the point: if goal is to sunset v2 eventually it makes sense to continue shifting distributions to v3, especially when recursive borrowing of stables is pretty much meaningless activity, and even while it was profitable, that isn’t quality users that protocol would want to have long term anyway.

So even if transitioning to v3 is going to create some loss of capital to competition, capital which do migrate to Compound v3 is likely to be more quality one. Like those, who intend to hold collateral and also sees a value of that collateral not being lend out. That’s kind of one of most important features of v3. It also makes sense to distribute more governance tokens to such userbase to create long-term interest in protocol.

So, since my believe is that Compound is in general set on going further with v3, i would lean towards shifting distributions. And still deployments of USDC v3 to Arbitrum and Optimism might be more important for protocol growth than incentivisation of migration on mainnet.


Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. The poll has closed, and 80% of the members have voted for Option 1. We are going to create an on-chain proposal on 3/29 with the changes proposed under Option 1, which are:

Decrease v2 daily USDC supply COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
Decrease v2 daily USDC borrow COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
Decrease v2 daily DAI supply COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
Decrease v2 daily DAI borrow COMP rewards from 211.20 to 161.20 (-50)
Increase v3 daily USDC borrow COMP rewards from 281.41 to 481.41 (+200)


The On-chain vote has been published below: