[Gauntlet] Weekly Market Updates: Ethereum WETH

[Gauntlet] Ethereum WETH Comet Update: (2024-03-29 through 2024-04-04)

Gauntlet would like to provide the community with an update on the Ethereum WETH comet over the past week. Gauntlet is monitoring the current utilization within the WETH market since it has decrease significantly the past week. We have provided a recommendation to the forums to optimize the IR curves to better incentive higher utilization. We plan to submit the recommendation on-chain next week.

Simple Summary

  • WETH Borrows decreased 13.44%, from $122.56M to $106.09M.

  • WETH Supply increased 9.66%, from $190.71M to $209.13M.

  • WETH utilization decreased 21.07%, from 64.27% to 50.73%.

  • The minimum WETH reserve growth was -14.10%, and the maximum was 15.95%. The average WETH reserve growth was 2.80%.

  • The comet accumulated $2.55K WETH reserves while distributing $36.69K COMP rewards for a weekly Net Protocol Profit of $-34.13K.

Base Asset APR Trend

Reserve Analysis

COMP Rewards Analysis

Chain CometRewards COMP token holdings Daily aggregate COMP token reward distributions Remaining days of rewards runway (not including existing claimable rewards)
Ethereum 33.04K 292.00 113.10

Collateral Asset Supply

This graph shows the total supply of all collateral assets over the past week.

To see updated statistics, please see the live version of this graph here.

Base Asset Borrows

This graph shows the total borrows of the base asset over the past week.

To see updated statistics, please see the live version of this graph here.


This graph shows the utilization (borrow / supply) of the base asset over the past week.

Supply Cap Usage

This graph shows the supply cap usage (supply / supply cap) of all collateral assets over the past week.