[WOOF!] Development Updates

[WOOF!] General Compound Weekly Report | Jan 27 - Jan 31, 2025

Compound Migrator

Done 27-31 Jan


  1. Completed AAVEv3 cross-isolated margin migration logic. (Except for the functionality of swap switching to the base token).

To be done 3-7 Feb

Smart Contracts

  1. Unit tests - Basic coverage with unit tests for Morpho.
  2. Unit tests - Full coverage with unit tests for Morpho, Spark, and AAVE V3.
  3. Fork tests - Develop tests for all 7 networks for each of the 3 protocols.
  4. Scripts deployment - Provide deployment for the left 6 networks.
  5. Documentation - Create documentation for the front end on how to integrate Morpho.
  6. To finish Natspec.


  1. Complete the functionality of swap switching to the base token.
  2. To connect AAVEv3 free collateral margin logic.
  3. Start Spark logic integration on the front end.


  1. Provide testing of the migration from AAVEv3 to the Compound.

Compound Frontend

Done 27-31 Jan

  1. Created the Dune Dashboard with the necessary fields, filters, and sorting to process data for voting on the Mainnet collaterals’ supply capitalization limit increasing.

To be done 3-7 Feb

  1. To test the feature for increasing the supply cap limit voting on Mainnet.
  2. To start applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
  3. To get the audit feedback from OZ on 10 Feb.

Compound Sandbox

Done 27-31 Jan

  1. Working on testing environment setup.
  2. Started creating the mock for PID Controller.

To be done 3-7 Feb

  1. To go ahead with the testing environment setup.
  2. Proceed to create the mock for the PID Controller.
  3. Definition of the scope and tasks for the next development direction:
  4. To define the complete scope of a Smart contract direction.
  5. Frontend.
  6. Backend.

Compound Grant

Done 27-31 Jan

  1. [collateral] superOETHB on WETH Base
  2. [network] Uni-chain development [testnet]
  3. [network] Ronin development [testnet]

To be done 03-07 Feb

  1. [network] Uni-chain development [testnet]
  2. [network] Uni-Chain deployment [mainnet]
  3. [network] Ronin development [testnet]
  4. [network] Ronin development [mainnet]

To push on-chain 03-07 Feb

  1. 24 collaterals Mainnet (1)
  2. 24 collaterals Mainnet (2) - Optionally.
  3. 24 collaterals Arbitrum
  4. 24 collaterals Base
  5. 24 collaterals Optimism
  6. 24 collaterals Polygon
  7. 24 collaterals Mantle
  8. 24 collaterals Scroll


  1. [network] Sonyc deployment
  2. [collateral] weETH on USDT, USDC Mainnet
  3. [collateral] SKY on USDS, USDT, USDC Mainnet
  4. [market] USDS on Base
  5. [collateral] FBTC on USDC Mainnet
  6. [collateral] tETH on WETH/wstETH Mainnet

[WOOF!] Compound Weekly Report | Feb 3 - Feb 7, 2025

Compound Migrator

Done 03-07 Feb


  1. Completed AAVEv3 cross-isolated margin migration logic with the functionality of swap switching to the base token).
  2. Started AAVEv3 free collateral logic connection.


  1. Applied edits after the internal review and provided code refactoring.
  2. Fix conflicts in current tests regarding code edits.
  3. Set up Fork tests for AAVEv3 and Spark.
  4. New testing scenarios have been added.


  1. Started needed changes implementation (desktop and mobile).

To be done 10-14 Feb

Smart Contracts

  1. Resolv blockers on Aave and Spark in some scenarios on all networks except Ethereum.
  2. Run Fork test scenarios for AAVEv3 and Spark.
  3. Set up Fork tests for Morpho.
  4. Run Fork test scenarios for Morpho.
  5. Unit tests - Basic coverage with unit tests for Morpho.
  6. Unit tests - Full coverage with unit tests for Morpho, Spark, and AAVE V3.


  1. Scripts deployment
  2. Provide deployment for the networks left for AAVEv3, Spark.
  3. Provide deployment for the networks left for Spark and Morpho.
  4. Documentation - Create documentation for the front end on how to integrate Morpho.
  5. To finish Natspec.
  6. Mini contract to process the route with the intermediate tokens (Connectors).


  1. Proceed with AAVEv3 free collateral logic connection.
  2. Start Free Collaterals logic implementation on Spark.
  3. To implement UI changes.
  4. To check all Formulas and to collect them into the document for QA.
  5. To Start Morpho Connection.
  6. Bugfix.


  1. To complete changes implementation (desktop and mobile).

Compound Frontend

Done 03-07 Feb


  1. To Complete the Dune Dashboard creation for voting for collaterals’ supply capitalization limit increasing on the Mainnet.
  2. To collect one last vote per user per collateral for each market since the recent supply capitalization change to define his collateral has more votes.
  3. To deploy the contract for left networks Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.
  4. Started applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.


Designed settings to hide positions with <$1 balance on the Dashboard (desktop and mobile).

To be done 10-14 Feb


  1. To test the feature for increasing the supply cap limit voting on Mainnet.
  2. To complete applying the feature to the next networks: Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and Polygon.

UI and Web3 logic

  1. To implement sorting lend and borrow positions on the dashboard by balance value.
  2. To implement the hiding of the positions with <$1 balance on the Dashboard (desktop and mobile).
  3. To get the audit feedback from OZ on 10 Feb.

Compound Sandbox

Done 03-07 Feb

  1. New functionality of Curated Markets was added
  2. Smart contracts development was started
  3. Back-end development was started
  4. SDK and Liquidator development was started

Compound Grant

Done 03-07 Feb

  1. [network] Uni-chain development [testnet]
  2. [network] Ronin development [testnet]
  3. [market] USDS on Base

To be done 10-14 Feb

  1. [network] Uni-Chain deployment [mainnet]
  2. [collateral] weETH on USDS Mainnet
  3. [collateral] weETH on USDT Mainnet
  4. [network] Ronin development [testnet]


  1. [collateral] weETH on USDS Mainnet
  2. [collateral] SKY on USDS, USDT, USDC Mainnet
  3. [network] Sonyc deployment
  4. [collateral] FBTC on USDC Mainnet
  5. [collateral] tETH on WETH/wstETH Mainnet
  6. [network] Ronin development [mainnet]
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